Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 months

Baby turned 10 months on the 7th (still need to take her pic). I can't believe it has gone by so fast. Her routine is:
6:40am Wake up, Change diaper and clothes and dash off to work
7:15am Bottle - usually 8oz.
8:30am Breakfast - Fruit and cereal
9:15am Free play or sometimes goes to the gym
9:45am Singing time or circle time
10:15am Outside if not too hot
11:00am Music with Ms. Jenn
11:30am Lunch - Fruits and vegies and sometimes small bits of finger foods
12:00pm Bottle than Nap
2:00pm Wake up, Snack (crackers, goldfish, fruit)
3:30pm Bottle
4:00pm Come home sometimes nap
5:30pm Dinner - She can eat #3 foods or sometimes she would rather eat off my plate
7:30pm Bottle - usually 8oz
8:00pm Bedtime
Sat - Sun
She wakes up around 8 naps twice both naps around 2 1/2 hrs each or one 4 hour nap
Goes to bed still around 8
Things she does:
Cruise while hold on furniture
shakes her head no
play peakaboo
mimic what you do
walk while holding my hands
fake cry
drink out of sippy
has 5 visable teeth and 3 more about to break through
talks all the time - mama dada baba hi
laughs all the time
understands and mostly obeys the word no or not for you!!
Sleeps through the night or when she does wake up she puts herself back to sleep